DYDX Account: dydx16eznmgcmm3y7hr9x8jvj98avmax6qpsne2u0wz

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Subaccount: 0

Market Side Size ($) Entry Price ($) Current Price ($) Realized PNL Price ($) Unealized PNL Price ($) Net Funding ($)
BTC-USD LONG 13.99 65,903 69,937.36 -0.18 -2.31 -0.18
ETH-USD LONG 37.63 2,602 3,763.18 -0.06 -3.18 -0.06
STRK-USD LONG 1.24 0.75 1.24 0 -0.33 0

Subaccount: 128

Market Side Size ($) Entry Price ($) Current Price ($) Realized PNL Price ($) Unealized PNL Price ($) Net Funding ($)